Your Year on The Wall 2021
A Fun & Powerful 4-Step Map to YOUR Unique Success
Here's what you get:
"Steph's training literally changed my life."

"I took this workshop last year after years of 'I really need a plan' that never quite stuck. This workshop was the beginning of my best year ever. More consistent progress. Faster audience growth. Increased revenue. And I think most importantly, a way to get back on track when I inevitably fall off." ~Brian M.

"Steph's YOTW training literally changed my life. After watching the training I gave myself permission to take the trip I've been dreaming of for years, returning to Spain for a month to trek the Camino de Santiago. The YOTW training made me confident that I had a solid plan in place to make the finances work for year and at least hit my "good enough" income. That trip was a life changing experience and I'm so glad I gained the courage to make it happen.